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Housing & Affordability

Affordability is the #1 concern among Austin residents. And as I've knocked on doors and talked to voters, even those who live comfortably still share concerns for fellow Austinites trying to make their way. 


I support increased housing options where it makes sense - more along dense transit corridors and less development in areas that will impact our watersheds and aquifer, like District 8.


We need housing on mass transit routes so that workers earning a moderate income can still access transit options. And building up - instead of out - offers even more housing opportunities.


Here’s what I’ve been doing to deliver on affordability:


  • Lowered property taxes - co-sponsored the ordinance to increase the homestead exemption - doubling the rate to 20% - and to increase the Senior/Disabilities exemption to $113,000.


  • $20 minimum wage - supported a minimum wage increase for city workers, and an increase for staff in various city departments. However, I voted against the measure to increase city council salaries.


  • ADUs - I support the expansion of Accessory Dwelling Units to provide housing for college students, caregivers, and elderly parents who may be ready to downsize but want to stay in their neighborhood and close to their support networks.


  • Housing, Housing, Housing - I supported the acquisition of land in Convict Hill for affordable housing. And I support increased housing along transit corridors, especially through CapMetro’s Equitable Transportation Oriented Development (eTOD) federal grant program. I believe in expanding all types of housing options for all types of families in all parts of town - and have the voting record to prove it.



© 2022 paid for by

Paige Ellis for City Council,

Treasurer Ashley Bliss-Lima.

P.O. Box 160233, Austin, TX 78716


This campaign has agreed to comply with the contribution and expenditure limits of the Austin Fair Campaign Ordinance.


Website designed by Paige Ellis.

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